Service provider i.t.o. § 5 TMG:
mytic myticket AG
Johannisbollwerk 20
20459 Hamburg
E-Mail: (For support inquiries please use our contact form!)
Registration: Berlin
Potsdamer Straße 58
10785 Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 170897 B
Tax Number: 30/044/76008
Sales Tax Number: DE815542098
Executive board:
Moritz Schwenkow (CEO & Chairman), Lukas Goy (COO)
Supervisory board:
Detlef Kornett (Chairman)
The mytic myticket AG acts as commercial agent of the organizer within the meaning of the §84 HGB.
Online settlement of disputes conformable to law (art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO): Please find the plattform of the european committee for online settlements of disputes here: We are willing to take part at an extrajudicial conciliation of a consumer help station.
Please note: According to Regulation EU 2024/3228, the platform of the european committee for online settlements of dispute will be closed on 20 July 2025. Disputes can no longer be submitted.